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Smart Home Living

Interior Design

As we continue to grow, learn and create, the knowledge that our lives are becoming increasingly entangled with computers, the internet, and technology in general is apparent. Only a few years ago, most could live and work without needing an email, or even a cellphone. Now not having one can mean missed opportunities, and lost relationships. Smart phones, smart TVs, smart computers are now here to stay, and no attempts to push back the clock will ever really work. That doesn’t mean that we can’t change the future for the better still, with technology. Smart homes are a relatively new idea, where the basic functions of your home can all be controlled through smart devices, like your phone or computer. Functions like temperature control, lighting, door locking, and security all available at the touch of a button.

Your window treatments can also be part of your smart home as well. There are a lot of options that will help turn your house into a ‘Home of the Future!’ from motorization to automation, to solar shades and cellular shades, there is a lot of functionality to add to your space that can change the way that you live and work. What is the difference between automation and motorization though? In the simplest of terms,motorization is the act of moving windows remotely, usually through a small electric motor attached to the window coverings mechanism. On the other hand, automation is when you set up your home to connect to smart sensors that detect changes, in the levels of light and temperature, and change the settings of your window dressings accordingly. During the midday, window treatments might open up to let in more life-bearing light, while on cold nights, shades and blinds will lower to keep the cold out and trap the heat in. You can even pair your window treatments with smart lighting in order to create the illusion of someone living at home when you go out on vacation. what ‘s better is that this is all available at the touch of your fingertips through a mobile application and a wifi connection. No need to be at home to close your shades, or dim your lights.

Security can be tightened and eased with the touch of a button, all the way from your office. You can make your home nice and toasty when you are driving home from work after a long day with little trouble, as long as your thermostat is connected to your phone. You can even turn the lights up or turn them off completely while on the other side of the world, or watch your front door through cameras as the postal worker drops off your package. Why shouldn’t you be able to do much the same with your shades, shutters, blinds and other window treatments. A set of roller shades that can rise or lower without ever being in the same room is useful for a variety of situations. Automation to pair your lights and window coverings so that you never forget to close one when you leave gives you much more freedom of movement. The future is now, and it comes with motors and electricity, and security, and charm.